Have we forgottenthem?
Those forced to leave our country after the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight: 200,000
Have we forgottenthem?
Hungarians deported to Soviet forced labour camps: 700,000
Have we forgottenthem?
Our compatriots executed after 1945 for political reasons: 700
Have we forgottenthem?
Our compatriots imprisoned after 1945 for political reasons: 70,000
Have we forgottenthem?
Communism claimed the lives of 100 million worldwide

Among the totalitarian systems of the 20th century, communism has proved to have the longest lifespan. Despite all the changes it underwent, the dictatorship that took shape in Russia in November 1917 retained its anti-democratic, anti-human features until its final collapse. The number of victims it claimed is put by international research at around 100 million, but without exact numbers our best assessment can be no more than an estimate. Many chapters have yet to be explored, because the uncovering of the crimes committed in the name of communism and – using the tools of historical research – the processing of data related to the various one-party state dictatorships could only begin after the collapse of the Soviet empire and the anti-communist revolutions in Eastern and Central European countries. Communist propaganda, which poisoned public attitudes in both the West and the East for more than half a century, is still having an impact today.

The Institute for Research of Communism is an organisation forming part of the Foundation for Research on Central and Eastern European History and Society. Its primary task is to explore and present the history of the totalitarian system of ideas that emerged in 1917 as a force for state organisation. Its fundamental objective is to collect and expand the results of research on communism. In order to restore the traditional and positive values of our European culture after the immense destruction wrought by "international socialism" and the lies it spread through every area of life, we must first begin our exploratory work by using the tools of historical research.

This is the work that the Institute for Research on Communism has committed to undertake.


Mária Schmidt



What's going on in South-Korea?

03 February 2025

An analysis on the current South Korean political scene by Dr. Bora Park, director of the Hybrid Threats Research Centre of INSS, guest researcher of the Institute for the Research of Communism. 

Cooperation agreement between the South Korean Institute for National Security Strategy and the Institute for the Research of Communism

21 November 2024

The Institute for the Research of Communism and the South Korean Institute for National Security Strategy signed a bilateral agreement on Thursday. The application for the scholarship program, starting during the course of spring 2025, will be opened for South Korean and Hungarian professionals.

Web of lies – the tale of communism

14 November 2024

At a seminar in Riga, dedicated to Otto von Habsburg, Rajmund Fekete, director of the Institute for the Research of Communism, highlighted that the tempting tale of communism was easier to believe in the West as in regions that were once part of the „story”. He added that Nazism was thrown at the stinking dump of history yet in the Western world communism – that has more than 100 million victims – is still considered to be a legitimate ideology. Rajmund Fekete emphasized that future generations need to learn about the real nature and operation of the red dictatorship in which very mission the House of Terror Museum has an outstanding role.


17 October 2024

1956 is one of the greatest Hungarian celebrations: it was and remains so – said Rajmund Fekete historian, director of the Institute for the Research of Communism in an interview for the Hungarian News Agency on Thursday on the occasion of the anniversary of the ‘56 Revolution and Freedom Fight.


Back to the past? Tito-nostalgia in Slovenia

25 March 2024 (Monday) 4 PM

Is communism not disappearing, but just being transformed? Is the abolition of the Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism in Slovenia a step towards erasing the past? Is Western Europe deliberately turning its back on the horrors of communism? If you want answers to these questions, join the upcoming event hosted by the Institute for the Research of Communism!


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